Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The theory of Contructivist learning theory by Jerome Seymour Bruner
Michelle Odchigue
Albert Bandura- Social learning theory
- Cloudine is beautiful girl, she was not spoiled girl even though there family is rich, she is a grade four pupil at North Elementary school. Cloudine is quite inquisitive girl ever. In fact, when her mother preparing foods for breakfast, she always asking question how to cook. She really eager to learn many things. Cloudine is so much inclined in observing and imitating the action of others and she able to apply it.
Edward Chase Tolman- purposive behaviorism theory
- Michael is a good boy and a very industrious father catching fishes if there's no classes, his a fisher man. He is a second year student, his grades in math and English are quite bad because hos most hated subjects. But then, he realized that how he can avail the scholarship if he has a lower grade especially in a major subjects. So, what he did is setting double time for studying in math and English subject.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Werthiemer- cognitive theory
-Jordan is an average student since in his elementary and high school life. He is good in math, he proceeds in college and taking up BSED major in math. When math time Jordan looks happy, because he knows that he can understand the lesson well like the other subjects. In the prelim, Midterm and final exam in first sem, Jordan got the highest exam in math among his classmates.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Jerome Bruner- Constructivism theory
- Paulo is a graduating student in high school. In the classroom Paulo is very different from his classmates. In fact, he don't want to enter the classes time w/out readiness in every subjects. His teacher admired the way he participates in the class. His ideas are broad and precisely relevant to the topic given. He is critical thinker, he can finish requirements, projects before deadline time.
Jerome Bruner- Constructivism theory
- Paulo is a graduating student in high school. In the classroom Paulo is very different from his classmates. In fact, he don't want to enter the classes time w/out readiness in every subjects. His teacher admired the way he participates in the class. His ideas are broad and precisely relevant to the topic given. He is critical thinker, he can finish requirements, projects before deadline time.
Werthiemer- cognitive theory
-Jordan is an average student since in his elementary and high school life. He is good in math, he proceeds in college and taking up BSED major in math. When math time Jordan looks happy, because he knows that he can understand the lesson well like the other subjects. In the prelim, Midterm and final exam in first sem, Jordan got the highest exam in math among his classmates.
Albert Bandura- Social learning theory
- Cloudine is beautiful girl, she was not spoiled girl even though there family is rich, she is a grade four pupil at North Elementary school. Cloudine is quite inquisitive girl ever. In fact, when her mother preparing foods for breakfast, she always asking question how to cook. She really eager to learn many things. Cloudine is so much inclined in observing and imitating the action of others and she able to apply it.
Edward Chase Tolman- purposive behaviorism theory
- Michael is a good boy and a very industrious father catching fishes if there's no classes, his a fisher man. He is a second year student, his grades in math and English are quite bad because hos most hated subjects. But then, he realized that how he can avail the scholarship if he has a lower grade especially in a major subjects. So, what he did is setting double time for studying in math and English subject.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Example of Gestalt

The following example illustrates a teaching sequence corresponding to the nine instructional events for the objective, Recognize an equilateral triangle:
1. Gain attention - show variety of computer generated triangles
2. Identify objective - pose question: "What is an equilateral triangle?"
3. Recall prior learning - review definitions of triangles
4. Present stimulus - give definition of equilateral triangle
5. Guide learning- show example of how to create equilateral
6. Elicit per performance - ask students to create 5 different examples
7. Provide feedback - check all examples as correct/incorrect
8. Assess performance- provide scores and remediation
9. Enhance retention/transfer - show pictures of objects and ask students to identify equilaterals
~~>@...Kris A. Garsola
example of constructivist learning theory by Jerome Seymour Bruner

Without prior knowledge what is face book all about. Because it is the common conversation of your classmates you want to know what is all about in the fb world. You seek for help and guidance from your classmate. And in the next day in your own discovery and exploration you rushed into the near net cafe and explore and register yourself. And you found out that you can chat with your friends, you can upload pictures, audios, and videos. So you are now learning because of your own discovery and exploration.
Example of Social Learning theory of Albert Bandura

~~@...You have a new neighbor and you observed that her hair is so beautiful, long, healthy,alive and shine. Every time you look at her there is something in the back of your mind that says " I hope my hair is like her hair." One day you find courage to talk to her and express your appreciation to her hair and without hesitation you ask her what is her secret and what shampoo or conditioner did she used. And then the girl answered she used rejoice rich for a healthy and shiny hair,. So you replaced your old shampoo and stick to rejoice rich. Luckily, your hair is now soft, healthy, strong and shiny. And you served as a model to your younger sister because she also wants that her hair to be like yours.
Kris A. Garsola
Example of Purposive Behaviorism of Edward Chase Tolman
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tolman Purposive Theory of learning
Posted By: Michelle Arao-Odchigue
Bandura's Social Learning Theory
Posted by: Michelle Arao-Odchigue
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
David Paul Ausubel's Theory- Meaningful Verbal Learning Theory. All of the learning theories are appicable and oftenly used by some of the instructors. The theory of Ausubel is very useful like the other theories. In fact, he focuses on his advance organizer. As we know that graphic organizer is very important for the clssification, analyzing, synthesizing one main topic. It provides syncronization of the instructional materials in which the learners may grasp the meaning easily. This advance organizer is applicable to all fields and it is one way of gaining more informative informations base on the topic presented.
Mario L. Casador
Thank you ma'am for the consideration. Have a happy day!
Robert Mills Gagne's Theory- Condition of Learning. The prominent work of Gagne is the instructional event. This matter is significant most especially to the teaching approach of a teacher. This matter helps the teacher to deliver his /her lesson every day and it is effective approach for the teacher. It can remediates the needs of the learners because the flow of this event is step by step with the careful guidance from the facilatator. And then, it shows some good classroom management.
Mario L. Casador
"In our life what matters most are how we respond the stimuli around"
Comment for:
Jerome Seymour Bruner's Theory - Contructivism theory, for me this theory is best suited for creative output such as projects and presentation which showcase the learner's newly form idea and allow teacher to customize the relevant connections to students' prior knowledge. It's a great theory. It's more on constructing things that may hones our minds . By using open-handed dialogue, student s are enabled to predict, analyze and interpret new discoveries. Often, this may done in group learning activity.
Mario L. Casador
Ma'am how are you? Hope God that you are more than okey!
Ma'am I posted my comment here and I already watched the video. Thank you!
Wertheimer's theory- His theory is gestalt theory, it is cognitive aspect . This theory is understandable because as we know that our minds are the central storage of myriad informations, and center of our learning processes. We are capable of doing something; asking, speaking and reasoning intelligently because of our minds working every now and then. We can think deeply, analyze and synthesize one concept. The theory is quite magnificent, as we know, we gained knowledge by our intellectual capacity.
Mario L. Casador
Have a nice day ma'am! Ma'am I posted my comment here for you to find this easily.
God blesses you ma'am.
Comment for:
Albert Bandura- He is also a neu-behaviorist and his theory is all about social learning which nice and good. This social learning theory is about learning through what kind of environment we belong. Our parents, friends and neighbors, they contribute something that formed your wholesome personality. The aspects of observation, imitation and modeling are the center part of social learning. And these things around are very effective because there are people who can eaily grasp information through others, emulation is a factor also in social learning. If you are a good model then your followers are good as you.
Mario L. Casador
Ma'am have a awesome day to you! Ma'am I posted my comment here for you to locate this easily. Thank you ma'am!
Comment for:
Edward Chase Tolman- The theory of Tolman is purposive behaviorism and he is a neu-behaviorist. In my level of understanding it means that our behavior is purposeful, in the other hand, we respond because of the stimulus around. And because of that stimulus and response the learning aspect is already occured. Like what to his experiment about the rats. The first rat and the second rat fullfilled the objective which is to look food nearer by, while the third rat was failed. It simply means that our behaviors and cognitives aspects are the basis of our daily life.
Mario L. Casador
Ma'am I posted my comment here so that you can trace it out easily. I watched already the video ma'am.
Thank you ma'am and more power!
Theory of Robert Mills Gagne
Michelle Arao-Odchigue
Theory of David Paul Ausabel
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Open up our hearts so that God will always be with us.
August 24, 2010 is the reporting day of James about the English structure and its origin. Before his reporting, James uses graphic organizer. Because he knows that by graphic organizer it will help him to deliver his report well and may become more understandable. So, the time comes, at the end of his reporting, he gained compliments from his teacher. Almost of his classmates got high scores.
Have a nice day ma'am.
Mario L. Casador
Analyn is already a fourth year college, taking up Bachelor of secondary education. She is studious student and passionate to be a teacher. But the she got nervous because she will be having her demonstration in second semester. Analyn is confident enough, she knows that she can do it whatever it takes. During her demonstration, the learners understand the lesson, participate and cooperate well. The evaluators were impressed. They don't know Analyn used the nine instructional events.
God blessed you ma'am.
Mario L. Casador
Third days of school in fourth year high school. Mark attends the class which is English subject and he has 30 classmates. Their teacher gives them a group activity which is to construct a tower out from their papers . And they are instructed that after constructing the tower, they should also construct 5 sentences base on the tower. Everyone seem surprised except Mark. Mark's group is the one who made the tallest tower among the rest, they succeeded. Mark made it because he has an idea from past experience.
Thank you ma'am.
Mario L. Casador
There was a rich boy name Gerald, studying in Xavier university- first year college, he got higher mark in IQ exam. Gerald has talent in drawing and singing. He is a fast learner and he tries to hone his talents until he developed well. He can performs anytime- singing or drawing. He can conceives more ideas about one thing, very imaginative and expressive. Without so much study he can explains precisely and apply to the real life. His classmates like him so much.
Mario L. Casador
Somewhere in Gingoog City, there's a girl name Ana-twelve years of age. She is a working student in Christ the King Collge. Ana lived in her grandmother house, she don't know her parents yet. Ana is very sociable girl ever in the school . She don't even ashamed to all her teachers approaching and asking about the lessons. Sometimes also to her classmates, she really inclined mingling other people. Through her natural way, she never expected that she learned a lots. She became the salutatorian in the elementary school, probably because her way of learning is getting oneself to others.
Mario L. Casador
Praised be Jesus and Mary, now and forever.
Noel is hardworking student, he's already second year high school and he really do things seriously with dedication. His parents are rich but so stingy, even his needs in school not fully give. He has only one uniform, school shoes, and his bag is old. He has no cellphone or any gadgets. But then, in academic he able to excel. He got the highest score of exam, he is excellent student. Excelled without any particular reinforcement is possible as long as we take perseverance.
Mario L. Casador
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Michelle Arao-Odchigue
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
~~>@...The area in school which I think that is in need of improvement is the college comfort room. Because as I observed it is so smelly, some of the rooms are out of order, there is water shortage and it is dirty. I want a clean and safe comfort room. That is why it is called a comfort room to comfort yourself but it turns to making yourself sick of the things you have seen and smell.
BY : Kris A. Garsola

Because of boredom, I clean our home. And when our mother knew that I clean our home she smiles and appreciate what I have done. As an appreciation and recognition she increases my allowance. Therefore, to make my mother happy and have more money I should always clean our house.
BY : Kris A. Garsola

Mark did not know how to speak English fluently but because of his sister Sarah marry a foreigner and live with them in one roof. He is being influenced because of their daily conversation. And now he is the great orator in their class.
BY : Kris A. Garsola

James did not know how to drive a bike. Even though many times he had stumble in a wet canal or bumped in anywhere he is still determined to practice and learned how to bike. As time goes by because of constant practice and his willingness to learn, he succeed. And now he knows how to bike with or without using his hands to control the maneuver.
BY : Kris A. Garsola
Theory of connectonism
A teenager basketball player always plays with his friends but he is having hard time on shooting the ball on the ring. And he is finding ways so that if he will be playing that game he will not be able to be embarrassed again upon shooting the ball, so the boy keeps on training and practicing himself on his leisure time shooting balls. So when he was already playing game with his peers he can already shoot the ball.
Michelle Arao-Odchigue
operant conditioning
There is a grade one kid in which, whenever she got high grades in her math subject her mother will give her a box of chocolate. So, that kid always study her lessons in mathematics so that she will get high grades and her mother will give her the box of chocolate.
Michelle Arao-Odchigue
Thursday, July 22, 2010
There is one girl, a six years old girl. Her name is Ana. Ana is very spoiled girl, she doesn’t even know how to dress up herself alone properly. Her mother got problems about her. Ana is very careless and stubborn girl. But one time the mother refrimand her that if she act inappropriate manner due to her carelessness and stubbornness, she cannot play with her friends and no chocolate, her favorite. One month ago after being refrimanded Ana became careful, obedient and responsible girl.
Praise be Jesus and Mery, now and forever. Thank you ma'am!
"An investment of knowledge pays the best interest"
Mario L. Casador
When I was in high school life I have my close friend. If there’s no class our leisure time is strolling somewhere and reading. We talked so much about desires in life. He told me that every 3:40 in the morning, he wake up to study together with his Mom. He added, he wants to be a valedictorian when we reached in 4th year. That time we are fresh men, he is intelligent, he has brilliant insights in life. I don’t meant his words but when I in the 4th year level I really amazed because he became the valedictorian of the school. His mother really condition him every morning to study.
Dr. Rizal says " It is the man's duty to seek his own perfection"
Thanks ma'am for the best teacher ever.
Mario L. Casador
There is eleven years old boy who doesn’t know how to manipulate computer even the basic instruction. The boy is angered to learn so much about in computer. So what he did was keep on practicing almost everyday. He never renounce to explore, he try and try until such time he knew himself that he learned something. By that time on, he know already how to start the computer, encode, make a Power Point Presentation, use excel, movie maker, and creates yahoo-mail for his own.
"When the argument is flares up, the wise man quenches it with silence"
Mario L. Casador
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
field study-1
Well organized
Well ventilated
Comfortable to use in
Useful facilities and equipments (e.g. books) and
Gives you what you need in your studies specially on researching
A library is a collection of sources, resources, and services, and a collection of books. For me it is really necessary for an institution to have a library because it is one of the student’s necessities upon studying. And Christ the King’s library gives a satisfaction and entertains to the needs of their students. The library helps us so that we may able to access books to read and learn from it. As the saying says “7 days without reading a book makes one weak.”
“Library is the student’s favorite hang out”

Michelle Arao-Odchigue
Sunday, July 18, 2010
olanga mark (beed2)
onetime i was feeding cow in the ground of grasses and i saw another cow, then my cow was come closer to me and push me with the horn. so now, if father will let me feed the cow i will not come closer to another cow because i already know the tendencies.
olanga mark (beed2)
Manny villar is a big time millioner because of his hardworking and dream in life. he study hard and work at night just to earn money for extra allowance in school. he make a good professional and business man.
olanga mark (beed2)
He is con fuse of the theory of Ivan Pavlov. So, he added the theory of Ivan Pavlov to make him satisfy. J.Watson is not really good because his theory all about human being.
olanga mark (beed2)
when i was high school the prefect of discipline give rules in school that must follow. one of that rules is the haircut for men, but many of us did not follow the rules. so, in times that we hear voice of the motorcycle of the prefect of discipline all of men were running because the response of their mind were able to cut the hair.
comments of the theory of Ivan Pavlov. by (mark olanga beed2)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Educ -2
What is your insight about educ 2?
Peremptorily, I have crucial insight regarding facilitating learning. First perception may this subject leads me into the development of my own capacity so much more in learning theory. In my part as a common student I am truly longing for something which is real that can be really changed the level of my understanding. Transformed my dull routine into somewhat like a competent person somehow. I am seriously hoping that this subject Educ 2 may grants my quest of knowledge as well as impressive strategy. Finally, I am really enthusiastic not because of anything else but because of you Ma’am, who really be there for us , and stands as our mentor and friend.
How do you feel the blogging approach?
Well, I am trembling and I felt myself melted down in such method because it’s actually unfamiliar to me. But then I would say that this approach is awesome. Awesome in the sense not of its modern kind of approach but its new way of effective way of teaching. Its objective is for the welfare of all students to learn in way of inculcating our ignorance through the used of Internet communication. Indeed, it gives more brilliant perspective and boundless horizon for every students who eager to explore the great purpose of technology.
Mario L. Casador
I do believe that every beginning is hard. So it is very hard for me. But I do believe that I can overcome this difficulties. I can gain more knowledge. Well it is fun and exciting. Your sense of creativity really works.
Ans: For me, more in reporting and understanding to get ideas. We can study had to learn more knowledge about the topic that report discuss. Specially the theories , vocabulary, name of behaviorist about the behavior and etc. to know what is all about. I'm study hard to pass this subject and learned more than the topic we discuss. Improve our mind to develop teaching education.
2. How do you feel the blogging approach?
Ans. For me, it is very exciting and more confedent. It's very hard to kwow what blogging is it? I try my best to know the new technology that we have know, and understand. To registed in computer that we used, we can create the password to open blogging. But if you understand the blogging you enjoy and gets ideas to enhance our mind more learning about computer that we have now.
Mark Olanga
Classical conditioning
Thank you so much Ma'am.
Mario L. Casador
Classical Conditioning
Examples for Classical Conditioning
1. Your romantic partner always uses the same shampoo. Soon, the smell of that shampoo makes you feel happy.
2. The door to your house squeaks loudly when you open it. Soon, your dog begins wagging its tail when the door squeaks.
Michelle Arao-Odchigue
Education 1
Saturday, July 10, 2010
As we all know that one of the most important thing or component to become a teacher is to have a classroom management, and since teacher Marian had this component on teaching us i can enthusiastically say that someday we may able to know how to handle a classroom very well.
To my teacher Ms. Marian Alaba, ma'am i know that you will be able to help us on becoming an effective teacher someday. To my classmates, lets just help hand in hand for us to be able to achieve and pursue our dreams with the help of teacher Marian.
2. In our awareness, we are all on the technologically competitive generation where the advancement of technology helps us to become our life easier to live.
Part of our education is the technology, we can have our examinations, quizzes, and reflection etc. through email. And, in this blogging approach, at first it is so complicated there are lots of process that we are going to pursue first before entering this blog but later on i was able to cope up with it. I enjoyed this new application of technology on our studies so that we the upcoming teacher, can be called as a modern teacher in the future.
God Bless us all!!
posted by: Michelle Arao-Odchigue education 2 first post