Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The theory of Contructivist learning theory by Jerome Seymour Bruner
Michelle Odchigue
Albert Bandura- Social learning theory
- Cloudine is beautiful girl, she was not spoiled girl even though there family is rich, she is a grade four pupil at North Elementary school. Cloudine is quite inquisitive girl ever. In fact, when her mother preparing foods for breakfast, she always asking question how to cook. She really eager to learn many things. Cloudine is so much inclined in observing and imitating the action of others and she able to apply it.
Edward Chase Tolman- purposive behaviorism theory
- Michael is a good boy and a very industrious father catching fishes if there's no classes, his a fisher man. He is a second year student, his grades in math and English are quite bad because hos most hated subjects. But then, he realized that how he can avail the scholarship if he has a lower grade especially in a major subjects. So, what he did is setting double time for studying in math and English subject.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Werthiemer- cognitive theory
-Jordan is an average student since in his elementary and high school life. He is good in math, he proceeds in college and taking up BSED major in math. When math time Jordan looks happy, because he knows that he can understand the lesson well like the other subjects. In the prelim, Midterm and final exam in first sem, Jordan got the highest exam in math among his classmates.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Jerome Bruner- Constructivism theory
- Paulo is a graduating student in high school. In the classroom Paulo is very different from his classmates. In fact, he don't want to enter the classes time w/out readiness in every subjects. His teacher admired the way he participates in the class. His ideas are broad and precisely relevant to the topic given. He is critical thinker, he can finish requirements, projects before deadline time.
Jerome Bruner- Constructivism theory
- Paulo is a graduating student in high school. In the classroom Paulo is very different from his classmates. In fact, he don't want to enter the classes time w/out readiness in every subjects. His teacher admired the way he participates in the class. His ideas are broad and precisely relevant to the topic given. He is critical thinker, he can finish requirements, projects before deadline time.
Werthiemer- cognitive theory
-Jordan is an average student since in his elementary and high school life. He is good in math, he proceeds in college and taking up BSED major in math. When math time Jordan looks happy, because he knows that he can understand the lesson well like the other subjects. In the prelim, Midterm and final exam in first sem, Jordan got the highest exam in math among his classmates.
Albert Bandura- Social learning theory
- Cloudine is beautiful girl, she was not spoiled girl even though there family is rich, she is a grade four pupil at North Elementary school. Cloudine is quite inquisitive girl ever. In fact, when her mother preparing foods for breakfast, she always asking question how to cook. She really eager to learn many things. Cloudine is so much inclined in observing and imitating the action of others and she able to apply it.
Edward Chase Tolman- purposive behaviorism theory
- Michael is a good boy and a very industrious father catching fishes if there's no classes, his a fisher man. He is a second year student, his grades in math and English are quite bad because hos most hated subjects. But then, he realized that how he can avail the scholarship if he has a lower grade especially in a major subjects. So, what he did is setting double time for studying in math and English subject.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Example of Gestalt

The following example illustrates a teaching sequence corresponding to the nine instructional events for the objective, Recognize an equilateral triangle:
1. Gain attention - show variety of computer generated triangles
2. Identify objective - pose question: "What is an equilateral triangle?"
3. Recall prior learning - review definitions of triangles
4. Present stimulus - give definition of equilateral triangle
5. Guide learning- show example of how to create equilateral
6. Elicit per performance - ask students to create 5 different examples
7. Provide feedback - check all examples as correct/incorrect
8. Assess performance- provide scores and remediation
9. Enhance retention/transfer - show pictures of objects and ask students to identify equilaterals
~~>@...Kris A. Garsola
example of constructivist learning theory by Jerome Seymour Bruner

Without prior knowledge what is face book all about. Because it is the common conversation of your classmates you want to know what is all about in the fb world. You seek for help and guidance from your classmate. And in the next day in your own discovery and exploration you rushed into the near net cafe and explore and register yourself. And you found out that you can chat with your friends, you can upload pictures, audios, and videos. So you are now learning because of your own discovery and exploration.
Example of Social Learning theory of Albert Bandura

~~@...You have a new neighbor and you observed that her hair is so beautiful, long, healthy,alive and shine. Every time you look at her there is something in the back of your mind that says " I hope my hair is like her hair." One day you find courage to talk to her and express your appreciation to her hair and without hesitation you ask her what is her secret and what shampoo or conditioner did she used. And then the girl answered she used rejoice rich for a healthy and shiny hair,. So you replaced your old shampoo and stick to rejoice rich. Luckily, your hair is now soft, healthy, strong and shiny. And you served as a model to your younger sister because she also wants that her hair to be like yours.
Kris A. Garsola
Example of Purposive Behaviorism of Edward Chase Tolman
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tolman Purposive Theory of learning
Posted By: Michelle Arao-Odchigue
Bandura's Social Learning Theory
Posted by: Michelle Arao-Odchigue